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It was presented to the membership for consideration. Election Committee: Patsy Gates, Roger Tharp, Mike Fehling, Karen Kull, Darlene Boday and Barb Swenson. Sun City Grand Singles Club Board of Directors Meeting Due to the restrictions imposed by social distancing guidelines during the Corona Virus Pandemic, the meeting was held outdoors on Friday, May 8, 2020 PRESENT: Gary Wilson, Randy Crook, Melanie Betts, Nick Naselli, Jennifer Lusk and ChrisSingles Golf features occasional tournaments and luncheons. com. About SCG Singles Click to view or print the minutes of the November 13, 2022 General Membership Meeting. The meeting adjourned at 3:10. Treasurer’s Report: Randy provided copies of the financial reports for the period ending September 30, 2022. 00 Name Badge ($7. As no active threats were reported recently by users, scgmahjongg. com at least eight days in advance to arrange tee times. Our free personal ads are full of single women and men in Sun City looking for serious relationships, a little online flirtation, or new friends to go out with. For those who cannot confirm reservations in person, please contact Mary Neuwenschwander (623) 266-2622. DOMINOES: The Dominoes Club plays Mexican Train every Monday at 6:30 at Cimarron. adjacent to the Grand Café at the Chapparal Center. III. ATTENTION SCG SINGLES CLUB MEMBERS Membership forms are available on the scgsingles. Contact Lois Burch (623)214-9783 for more information. com website. Please consider helping. The Director shall maintain a database of member information including email addresses used for roster and other functions within the Singles Club. Contact Lois Burch (623)214-9783 for more information. Send form, copy of your CAM card and payment to: Marlene Barczynski 20154 N. Send form, copy of your CAM card and payment to: Corinne Kemp 15510 W. The issue will be out October 1. 1. In attendance. It was held at the home of Karen Ehrlich. SUN CITY GRAND SINGLES CLUB 2020 Membership Application PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Our club runs on volunteer workers. ATTENTION SCG SINGLES CLUB MEMBERS 2021 Membership forms are available on the scgsingles. Sun City Grand Singles Club Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, April 3, 2019 Palm Center, Phoenix Room PRESENT: Gary Wilson, Ken Steinhart, Randy Crook, Barb Swenson, Melanie Betts, Nick Naselli and Renee Rut. com website. 00 thru 12/31/21 $ 20. The Falls restaurant is on. president; Diane McCauley, vice president; Randy Crook, treasurer; NancyVice-President: Carol reports the SCG Singles club will have the cover of the Grand Times for August 2014. Marlene will invite the new members on Thursday, June 2, likely at 6:00 or 6:30. Contact RogerSUN CITY GRAND SINGLES CLUB BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, April 1, 2014. Treasurer; The Treasurer shall receive and deposit all moneys due to the Club andSun City Grand Singles Club Form W-9 List. BILLIARD LESSONS Free lessons, available by appointment, with Singles Member Rick Haskell (623) 810-5068. SUN CITY GRAND SINGLES CLUB BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2022 The meeting came to order at 12:55 PM in the Sago Room of the Palm Center. 00 for non-members had been agreed to the Board Meeting, but the subsidized amount of 60% of the cost it-we have a large turnout would leave the Club too short of money to leave an appropriate amount in the treasury for the incomingot members of the SCGS Club to bring 'o 'he Board's attention any member who was ill, hospitalized. Surprise, AZ. Anyone who lives in SCG is a prospective member, not a guest. The 2023 Grand Singles Club. Coronado Ridge Dr. 2. m. The 2020 Singles Club Board of Directors President Gary Wilson (206) 619-0115 Membership: Nick Naselli (847) 421-2769SUN CITY GRAND SINGLES CLUB 2014 Membership Application PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY First Name Last Name Check One: SG Association No. One chartered club president refused to provide the roster, saying the request violated one of CAM’s bylaws. There are monthly events at offsite restaurants and a variety. Our primary goal is to have a great time and meet other people living in our beautiful and active community. Click on the magnifying glass on the. Created: 2005-10-20: Expires: 2024-03-07: Owner: Shirlene Hicks (Private Registration) Hosting company: Weebly, Inc. REMINDER: You will be required to show your CAM card for admittance to any Club event at a Sun City Grand facility. Singles Club members only; space limited, NO reservations except through Hart. THE 2023 SINGLES CLUB BOARD OF. 00. At Roger's request we reviewed the sign in sheets far the latest wine. For those who cannot confirm reservations in person, please contact Marlene Barczynski (814) 392-0791. on the patio of the Palm Center. 00. All about the Sun City Grand Singles Club, Our history, members and activities. games in Sun City Grand. Sun 17 “T” 6:00 PM CIMSUN CITY GRAND SINGLES CLUB BOARD MINUTES WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2021 The meeting came to order at 4:30 PM at the home of Scott Houston. Walt Kelm presented an idea for a March event—a. Scott Houston 20421 Palm Canyon Dr Surprise, AZ 85374 (602) 881-2529 Please note: The Singles Club sends out roster information each quarter. Sun City Grand Singles Club Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, May 3, 2018 Palm Center. ATTENTION SCG SINGLES CLUB MEMBERS Your 2017 Singles Club Membership Expires on December 31, 2017. Click " Calendars " or " Meeting Minutes " to view past files. The Sun City Grand Board of Directors announced the creation of a new Lifestyles Advisory Committee to review issues relevant to Chartered Clubs and Interest Groups. Absent were Art Molina, Judy Baker and Roger Tharp. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. We will have lunch at IndigoSun City Grand Singles Club Reimbursement Request Host Event Date Date Expense Description Amount 11-Jul-18 Admission Tickets $ 220. m. Simmons, Singles’ Club webmaster. KARAOKE: The Sun City Grand Music Club presents Karaoke Night every Tuesday at 6:30 PM at Cimarron. In attendance were the following: Renee Rut, president; Diane McCauley, vice president; Nancy Mossman, secretary; Randy Crook, treasurer; and Scott Houston,. SCG SINGLES DECEMBER 2013 CALENDAR All dates that have a “T” indicate that tickets are required and available from the ticket sellers. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Renee and Gary Wilson, past president, went to Chase. today to resolve the issue of the Singles Club Revocation that was issued mid December. . This website is estimated worth of $ 8. Changes to the eBlasts were discussed. Other Ongoing Activities GOLF: Every Thursday Singles Golf features occasional tournaments and luncheons. Light appetizer, drinks extra. Ernie will ask forSUN CITY GRAND SINGLES CLUB May 6, 2008 The meeting was called to order by Les Kane at his home at 5:00 p. Singles Club members only –. numbers as Of January 1 st, 2010 the clubs were allowed to choose. club historian. sending a card, etc. She also has written another article for the Grand Times which will be in the May 2013 publication. Susan will ask Melanie to send out an email blast to all members that will include enforcing this CAM policy. club president's meeting together. BILLIARD LESSONS Free lessons, available by appointment, with Singles Member Rick Haskell (623) 810-5068. Pictures and articles are needed. The next board meeting will be hosted by Mike on Tuesday, 5th april at 9 a. Changes to the eBlasts were discussed. They include the changes of the date for the annual financial report from February to the last Friday inNew residents to Sun City Grand will have the opportunity to review community clubs from 3:00 – 5:00 p. Jerry reviewed some of our club’s recent difficulties in working with the Lifestyle office when planning our events. com website. 5. Andy brought up the topic of seat reservations at the December Gala. Social Hours Tickets for future events are available at social hours. Slate of new officers will be presented and give some information about themselves. 3. The Activities Director is responsible for filing with the Lifestyles Manager a participation Form CC-10 on a semi-annual Basis. SUN CITY GRAND SINGLES CLUB BOARD MEETING Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Present were Jerry Fantuzzi, vice president, Jerry Bing, treasurer, Nancy Mossman, secretary, Karen Kull, ticket sales director, Diane McCauley, activities director and Melanie Betts, membership director. Wed 13 6-9 pm. Activities, Novelle Ballard The March calendar is full. Singles Got Talent - need to get more tickets sold. 00 Mondays 4:30 pm Social hour at Mulligan’s; Drop in! Tuesdays 8 am: Breakfast at the Garden Café. SCGSINGLES. Singles Club Board of Directors. Note: Guests are welcome at all SCG Singles events except Drop-Ins. Absent were Nancy Mossman (Secretary) and Charlotte Wilkenson (Membership Director). COM. This is a members-only event. Social Hour Tickets for future events are available at the social hour at Coco’s on Mondays and also at various club events as indicated above. Proposed activities for months of March and April were discussed, including reintroducing Friday ice cream socials. Melanie began by stating the club’s 2023 direction for communication protocols. 00 or so that the Club's subsidized amount would be reduced. You can also pick one up on Mondays 2 – 4 pm in the alcove adjacent to the Grand Café the Chaparral Center. m. Sat 19 7 pm Monthly house party at Hermine’s. Note: Guests are welcome at all SCG Singles events except Drop-Ins. The long-time established policy of the Singles Club is that the only items the club contributes to a drop-in are tables and chairs. SINGLES CLUB BOARD MEETING. Please Make Check Payable to “SCG Singles” I Am Enclosing Payment for: Dues $20. For more information about the Singles Club and for event updates visit us atSUN CITY GRAND SINGLES CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES 1/4/2012 Attendees: President — Lois Burch, Vice President — Roger Tharp,. A. YOU MUST SHOW YOUR CAM CARD TO TICKET SELLERS. . Lois will send out a Blast as soon as possible with the result of the meeting. Singles Club Board members so that each can get familiar with its contents. Sun 2 "T" 6:00 PM CIM ANNUAL HOLIDAY GALA. will be held in the Phoenix Room in the Palm Center. You can also pick one up on Mondays from 2:00 – 4:00 p. Contact: Corinne Kemp (623-584-4696, [email protected]. Sunstone Lane. Contact Roger Tharp (408) 391-7337 or at [email protected]. Author: Owner Created Date:Sun City Grand Singles Club Income form: and shall order badges for those members who desire to purchase them. The third Del Webb active adult community in Phoenix's northwest valley, Sun City Grand hosts a bountiful lineup of amenities, social activities, and golf courses. DIRECTOR REPORTS: President:New Business: Ratifying Chapters 12 & 13 of the Singles Club Rules and Regulations Gary provided a brief summary of changes to Chapters 1 – 11 of the CAM Charter Club Rules and Regulations. Member guests. You can also pick one up on Mondays from 2:00 – 4:00 p. Contact Roger Tharp (408) 391-7337, [email protected] SINGLES AUGUST 2023 CALENDAR Tue 1 11:30 am FIRST TUESDAY BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON. Bell Road, Surprise (623-583-1222) Monday and Tuesday from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, and also at Coco’s Restaurant on Thursdays from 4:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Barh Anderson is 10 check on having the SCG Singles Club on the front page Grand Times. The policy regarding golf cancellation fines are on the web site. net at least eight days in advance to arrange tee times. SCG SINGLES CLUB BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, May 5, 2015 Palm Center Present: Jerry Bing, president, James Popiel, vice president, Roger Tharp, treasurer, Nancy Mossman, secretary, Novelle Ballard, activities director, Darlene Weistling, ticket sales director, and Charlotte Wilkinson, membership director. Club Singles. SINGLES CLUB BOARD MEETING. SheThe event calendar shows upcoming club events. Rather, we all shared input from the past month. Start meeting singles in Sun City today with our free online personals and free Sun City chat! Sun City. The Membership Director shall host a monthly meeting for Prospective Members. 4. Keywords: singles club, Sun City Grand, surprise arizona Apr 22, 2023. m. Membership forms are available on the scgsingles. Also present were: Brenda Parker, Roger Tharp, T and Judy Baker. Our club provides turkey and ham for this traditional event. SUN CITY GRAND SINGLES CLUB BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2021. Anyone who lives in SCG is a prospective member, not a guest. “The purpose of the SCG Singles Club is to provide a caring and supportive environment with programs and activities which offer opportunities for members to share interests, develop friendships, and enhance their quality of life. SUN CITY GRAND SINGLES CLUB BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 2002 The meeting came to order at 1:00 PM in the Phoenix Room of the Palm Center. 2. Please reserve Friday, November 25 at 6pm in the Gila Room at Cimarron for Friendsgiving with your SCG Singles family of friends. D. Lite fare, cash bar, Water Volleyball and lots of fun. 70 Rating by CuteStat. Other club operations are listed. Sun City Grand Singles Club Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, June 1, 2016 Palm Center PRESENT James Popiel, president, Roger Tharp, treasurer, Karen Ehrlich, secretary, Renee Rut, activities director, Hyacinth Goddard, ticket sales director and Marlene Barczynski, membership director. Present were the. Concessions, exhibitors, entertainment 9 am-SUN CITY GRAND SINGLES CLUB BOARD MEETING Tuesday, September 9, 2014 Present were Andy Melville, president, Jerry Fantuzzi, vice president, Jerry Bing, treasurer, Nancy Mossman, secretary and Karen Kull, ticket sales director. Microsoft Word - SCG minutes Oct. Sun City Grand Singles Club Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, June 5, 2019 Palm Center, Phoenix Room PRESENT: Gary Wilson, Ken Steinhart, Randy Crook, Barb Swenson, Melanie Betts, and Renee Rut Absent: Nick Naselli President Gary Wilson called the meeting to order at 2:00 p. Hand & Foot Guidelines. SUN CITY GRAND SINGLES CLUB BOARD MEETING Tuesday, December 2, 2014 The home of Andy Melville 2014 board members present: Andy Melville, president, Jerry Fantuzzi, vice president, Jerry Bing, treasurer, Nancy Mossman, secretary, Karen Kull, ticket sales director, Diane McCauley, activities director and Melanie Betts, membership director. Winner (left) - Jim Saunders; 2nd place (right) Mary McInnis. You can also pick one. the committee has the information in the CAM rules and in our SCG singles rules to guide them in their efforts. If you wish to attend please call Pres. Club Directors are invited to attend. Select a view then use the navigation buttons to move between dates. Thur 7 $15 6-8:30 pm CIM TRIVIA CONTEST. DIRECTOR REPORTS: Activities Director: Karen mentioned that the June calendar is ready to come out.