All three champions are used for their ability to reduce the boss's turn meter, which is crucial for stopping Spider's healing and preventing FK from putting his shield back up. no Banners at all. Relickeeper is an Epic Attack Force champion from The Sacred Order faction in Raid Shadow Legends. 1 ATK. Aina Skills. Equipment / Artifact Set for Clan Boss, Dungeons: 1 lifesteal set + 1 precision set. RATE C. Has an 80% chance of placing a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 3 turns. Formula: TRG_STAMINA. Soulbound Shot. Skill. Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. she's helping me get to new levels in dungeons, she's really good. I got 5 champions to max masteries with about 1000 gems. Archmage Hellmut. NAME: Soulbond Bowyer FACTION: BarbariansTeam Roster: Scyl of the Drakes - Stun Set w/ Defense and Support Masteries Warmaiden - AoE def down and possible 2nd Stun Set Elder Skarg - single. . Has an additional 25% chance of inflicting a critical hit. If you're using her for turn meter control on the boss, reflex set is nice (and lock her A2 on the boss round). Infused Arrow [ATK] (Cooldown: 3 turns) Attacks 1 enemy. One more thing to add on to what nigelfi wrote -. Soulbond one gets one hit on the Fire Knight's shield with her A1, but the others get 4, 3, and 4. Brugt til : ATB-kontrol (Atb-reduktion, hastighedsreduktion), AOE Nuker, Single Target Nuker, Support (helbred, debuff dit hold, buff)Soulbond Bowyer 60: 6: 13545 1255 870 96 15 57 30 0 Fellhound 60: 6: 14865. Level 2: Damage +10% Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +5% Level 4: Damage +10%. DMG RESIST ACC; Soulbond Bowyer 60: 6: 13545 1255 870 96 15 57. Soulbond Bowyer 60: 6: 13545 1255 870 96 15 57 30 0 Athel 60: 6: 13545. Ancestral Guidance [ATK] Attacks all enemies. Today we'll build her for optimal DPS and have a blast showcasing this re-build! Soulbond. Soulbond Bowyer Storyline. Magnarr is an Epic HP Spirit champion from Demonspawn faction in Raid Shadow Legends. Feint [ATK] Attacks 1 enemy. Masteries for Alure. Heroes for the campaign farming, examples of artifacts and masteries. Attacks 1 enemy. Has an additional 25%. And finally, too many of the quests force you to backtrack. Underpriest Brogni Review. Underpriest Brogni is well-knowned for the Super Tanky World Record Clan Boss where. Ultimate Clan Boss Guide. Champion Fusion. You're thinking of Steel Bowyer, Soulbond Bowyer is new. soulbond can make a great campaign farmer, aside from that shes fun to one shot people in the arena but takes quite the end game build. Kantra the Cyclone – Legendary. Myrmidon is a Rare Defense Magic champion from Banner Lords faction in Raid Shadow Legends. Dunestrider Skills. 4 ATK. Champion name. Has an additional 25% chance of inflicting a critical hit. Heroes for the campaign farming, examples of artifacts and masteries. Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. I know from experience, that Soulbond Bowyer, Armiger, Alure, and Coldheart all require very high Accuracy for their TM decrease to not get resisted, even though Alure's and Armiger's skill already have a critical hit as a prerequisite. Heroes for the campaign farming, examples of artifacts and masteries. As well as she is fully booked and I have enough gems/energy to go for her masteries. Underpriest Brogni was introduced in Patch 4. Then the turn meter team kicks in and it's over. Debuffs from Artifacts do not need accuracy, neither do debuffs from masteries, right?Raid Shadow Legends Athel Champion Guide & BuildSubscribe here: in Raid Shadow Legends we'll review the rare champion Athel, decke. Attacks 1 enemy. level 1. Has a 50% chance of placing a 25% [Increase ATK] buff on this Champion for 2 turns, then attacks 1 enemy. Champions sets including this heroes. Han har brug for præcision for at klare omgangstællerne. Fusions. Find out more on this Raid Shadow Legends codex. Level 2: Damage +5% Level 3: Damage +10% Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +5% Level 5: Damage +15% Level 6: Buff/Debuff Chance +10% Damage Multiplier: 4. Barbarians. Kallia – Epic. When you can do mino 15 reliably then you should spend the gems on energy refills. 5* against Scarab King, which could help me now, but Dark Elhain as 4* for Scarab King and 5* for Dark Fae. Heroes for the campaign farming, examples of artifacts and masteries. Heroes for the campaign farming, examples of artifacts and masteries. Soulbond Bowyer 60: 6: 13545 -330: 1255 -199: 870 -55: 96 15 57 -3: 30 0 Skills comparison. Speed set #1. Level 2: Damage +5% Level 3: Damage +5% Level 4: Damage +5% Level 5: Damage +10% Damage Multiplier: 2. ) Guide masteries, grace and artifact on Soulchain Archer (Soulbond Bowyer) on RSLSteel Bowyer Skills. She needs to use her turn meter reduction definitely, and peppering in A2 when it's available may be good too. Full guide on artifacts and masteries. How to win a fight in the Fire Knight’s Castle. Needs the right comp to work, so most people. Has a 25% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn. Champion Fusion. Soulbond Bowyer's Basic Info. Soulbond Bowyer 60: 6: 13545 1255 870 96 15 57 30 0 Skills comparison. If you're using her to get past the waves, a stun set would be good. Elhain Review. God tier champions for the Campaign. Bloodletter (Cooldown: 4 turns) Attacks 1 enemy. Daering. Have her at 50 now, fully booked, ascended, and masteries bought from Gems. Formula: 2. ago. Scyl of the Drakes. Has a 15% chance of granting an Extra Turn. Join our discord. Full guide on artifacts and masteries. of years or transforming into new unrecognizable forms. Soulbond Bowyer 60: 6: 13545 -1320: 1255 +462: 870 -374: 96 +3: 15 57. Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Lacking the gear to go crazy though. Royal Guard is an Epic Attack Magic affinity champion from the High Elves faction in Raid Shadow Legends. 1*ATK. Soulbond Bowyer: Ancestral Guidance. 0. Soulbond Bowyer 60: 6: 13545 1255 870 96 15 57 30 0 Fenax 60: 6: 13875. Bloodbraid Skills. Before attacking, has an 80% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 3 turns. Ill-Investment-8450 • 2 yr. Scrapper – Rare. Attacks 1 enemy. Soulbond Bowyer in PLATINUM Arena! 100% IGNORE DEFENSE! Subscribe here: Full. With the Krokhan Desert becoming a true melting pot of cultures, it is no wonder that various traditions and rituals are passed from one Barbarian tribe or clan to another, mixing with the superstition that had existed for hundreds of years or being changed to new unrecognizable forms. Formula: 6*ATK. Obtain from. Cooldown: 5. Coldheart Review. Attacks 3 times at random. Masteries. · 1y. i have around 30 epic champions so i hope i suggested good ones for Clan boss. Increases Ally C. This fight is tricky, and requires multi-hitters in your team composition. Heroes for the campaign farming, examples of artifacts and masteries. Lodestone Claw Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 75%. Heroes for the campaign farming, examples of artifacts and masteries. Heroes for the campaign farming, examples of artifacts and masteries. Attacks 1 enemy. Soulbond Bowyer in PLATINUM Arena! 100% IGNORE DEFENSE!Subscribe here: Soulbond Guide, Build, Masteries: OF Soulchain Archer (Soulbond Bowyer) As the Krokhan Desert has become a veritable melting pot of cultures, it's no wonder that various traditions and rituals are passed down from one barbarian tribe or clan to another, intermingling with superstitions that had existed for hundreds of years. Full guide on artifacts and masteries. I never worried too much about her crit rate. Banner-Lords. Attacks all enemies. . Basically running with a natural 40% crit rate, has a 12% crit rate aura for all battles (brings her to 52%), her A1 is an AOE, and if she’s booked her A3 always fully depletes a targets turn meter. Abbess Abyssal Achak the Wendarin Acolyte Adjudicator Admonitor Adriel Aina Akemtum Akoth the Seared Alaric the Hooded Aleksandr the Sharpshooter Alika Altan Alure Amarantine Skeleton Anax Anchorite. Level: 2 Damage +5% Level: 3 Damage +5% Level: 4 Damage +5% Level: 5 Damage +10% Damage Multiplier: 1. Heroes for the campaign farming, examples of artifacts and masteries. I use her in 3v3 in a setup with archmage hellmut to boost the CR and CD as well as seeker to boost attack (mine has 4900 Atk 69% CR and 264% CD) so with all the buffs she typically one shots with that A2 for well over. Heroes for the campaign farming, examples of artifacts and masteries. Will ignore 75% of the target’s DEF. Soulbond Bowyer: Barbarians: Spirit: Attack: Rare: Keeyra the Watcher: Dwarves: Spirit: Defence: Legendary: Stats comparison. Heroes for the campaign farming, examples of artifacts and masteries. For Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Faction Wars by ayumilove. Magnarr Review. All of the Soulbond Bowyer’s. Nothing has changed with FK or Soulbond Bowyer in years, so any old advice you found is probably still valid. Heroes for the campaign farming, examples of artifacts and masteries. Tireless Assault (Cooldown: 4 turns) Attacks 1 enemy 3. Heals this Champion by 20% of the. (For information, the pages can be updated, put them in favorites (CTRL + D) on your browser to come back quickly if you start. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsSoulbond Bowyer (Decrease TM): just acquired Armiger (Decrease TM): 40 Gnarlhorn (Control): just acquired Other Notable Champs: Legendary: Mortu-Macaab and Drokgul are also on the account, but they don't seem particularly useful or better than any of the other characters for now. Shandriel. Yakarl the Scourge – Legendary. Experience players will grind it out on off champs, but new players will end up with their starter having no speed or crit rate until they realize the game steered them wrong. Youtube video from Chofly Elite. Heroes for the campaign farming, examples of artifacts and masteries. 50 as part of Mother Cybele Champion Fusion. NAME: Soulbond Bowyer FACTION: BarbariansSoulbond Bowyer 60: 6: 13545 1255 870 96 15 57 30 0 Gorlos Hellmaw 60: 6: 12720. Soulbond is my biggest damage dealer on the run, and also key in clearing the waves before the Knight. Heals this Champion by 30% of the damage inflicted. )Guide and information on Soulchain Archer (Soulbond Bowyer) equipment, grace and mastery. Dark Elhain is Ascended 3*, no books and only 2nd line in Masteries. Ronda or Soulbond Bowyer Who to Rank 6? Imo, I would go for Soulbond Bowyer because I have yet to reach 20 Stage for Spider, Ice Golem, and Fire Knight. Raid is a great strategy RPG game for mobile. Soulbond Bowyer is a rare attack champion from the faction Barbarians doing spirit damage. Skills. far outpaces the benefit of any advantage i can seem to get in the fire knight battle himself where she then becomes semi useless. Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Wow, I was just on the way to build one SB for the Spider on my second account. My guess is its manual. Hey! I'm Ash! Welcome to my YouTube channel devoted to Raid Shadow Legends. Heroes for the campaign farming, examples of artifacts and masteries. Heroes for the campaign farming, examples of artifacts and masteries. Instead of teaching crit rate gloves and speed boots, they want players to complete bad builds. B-Tier. I built bowyer on my alt to farm, and she uses her. Soulbond Bowyer 60: 6: 13545 +5445: 1255 +297: 870 +165: 96 -4: 15 57. Soulbond Bowyer 60: 6: 13545 1255 870 96 15 57 30 0 Elhain 60: 6: 14370. 9 second 12-3, lvl 50 SoulBond Bowyer. Bring in a Counterattack champion to reduce the amount of hits needed on the boss to remove its shield; Bring in champions that can decrease the turn meter of the bossRoyal Guard Review. Soulbond Bowyer 60: 6: 13545 1255 870 96 15 57 30 0 Zephyr Sniper 60: 6: 13380. Ancestral Guidance [ATK] Attacks all enemies. EQUIPMENT/ARTIFACT GUIDE Banshee Frozen (Frozen Banshee) Artifacts before sets, favor main stats and sub-stats! Gear/Artifact Set for Arena, Campaign, Faction Wars: 2 speed sets + 1 precision set. RAID PC. In this "Raid Shadow Legends Soulbond Bowyer Build & Guide" video i go over the new rare champion and show her as a fast campaign farmer. Which may have a nice synergy with Finding Soulbond Bowyer in the Dungeon Divers tournament Feb 23-26; both are needed to fuse Sepulcher Sentinel. She has three active skills and an aura, that increases Ally C. Panthera Skills. Full guide on artifacts and masteries.